Even Christmas ornaments at our house have ailments. Do you see my headless reindeer??
This is his Christmas debut as he was purchased after Christmas last year. Poor fellow. I am not even sure super glue is going to help. His stinkin' head weighs 10 pounds!
We need some excitement around here, because there is nothing going on around this house.
In the last 3 days, we have been to the hospital twice and to the doctor once.
The details:
On Monday morning, Emme had to go to the Children's Hospital for an upper GI. The good news is, anatomically she is perfect. On Tuesday, we went back to the same hospital to see the GI doctor. Let me tell you, this girl is HM (high maintenance).
Emme had the attention of two doctors, a dietician, and a speech pathologist. She is going to have at least two tests. The first one is a swallow test. She will drink some barium and then a doctor and a speech pathologist will watch her swallow. Then she needs to have an endoscopy. During this test, they will put her to sleep, run a camera down her esophagus, into her stomach and then into the small intestine.
The dietician gave us a recipe to take her formula from 20 calories and ounce to 24 calories an ounce. Then, we will increase from there. Doesn't seem like much, but the theory is, too much of a caloric increase will make it all come back up. I am also to add a tsp of olive oil to her food.
Finally, she needs to see a speech pathologist.
Meanwhile, I was barely able to stand at this appointment because my body was so weak and AND my throat felt like it was swallowing razor blades. I had taken 3 Motrin to get me there. By the time I got home, the Motrin had worn off and I needed 3 more. By the end of the day, I had taken 9.
This morning when I woke up and could barely swallow, I thought is was time to go to the doctor. If you click here, you can see what my throat looked like (although, I only had one pus pocket on the back of my throat.) I also had very enlarged and tender lymph nodes. I was given an antibiotic, magic mouth wash (good stuff- numbs the throat) and I was told to buy some musinex to help with the STUFF that was just hanging in the back of my throat. Yum!! I know you are loving these descriptions. I was also told to rest a lot and drink lots of water. After I picked myself off the floor from laughing so hard (rest... she has apparently never been to my house), I went to Target to fill my prescriptions. I then came home and rested as much as humanly possible to do in this house.
And, let me say this, when one is sick, calories should not count. When my throat hurt this bad, I want two things: fizzy, fountain Coke and ice cream. Neither of which is healthy or good when one needs to shed some pounds.
Is is just me or do we seem to have an inordinate amount of things going on at this house?
I am not going to lie, when I was trying to get dinner for the kids because my husband had to bail someone out of a mental health facility (don't ask) and the kids were arguing, I was wishing I was a horse and someone would just shoot me.
God's mercies are new every morning, right?? Someone, remind me of that!!
Even when you're miserable, you have a hilarious way with words...at least you're keeping your sense of humor!
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad, and yes, His mercies really are new every morning...praying that He adds His supernatural power to your antibiotic and you feel those mercies in the morning!
I'll cyber hug you since I don't have to worry about sharing the germs!
Just remember one of the best verses in the Bible. "And it came to pass..."
Remember one of the best verses in the Bible. "And it came to pass..."
aw, sorry you had such a rough day!! i wish i would have been home to help watch the kids or make dinner!!!
i can make dinner tomorrow if you want :)
Hey girl! I just emailed you!!!
Mary Erickson
Poor April!! Thanks for the link of what your throat looks like though. That was so gross. =)
I hope that you are feeling better soon!
Time like these as a women helps us to understand Mormonism and multiple wives... doesn't sound too bad right now. :) Hang in there girl!
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